Colusa Medical Center

What To Expect

What to Expect as a Patient

At Colusa Medical Center, we are committed to bringing exceptional healthcare and service to our North Valley community by delivering patient and family-centered healthcare that promotes healing and growth through exceptional skill, exceptional care, and an extraordinary team. Colusa Medical Center offers a spectrum of primary and specialized medical care.

Here is what you can expect when you visit Colusa Medical Center.

  • Expert and compassionate care from a dedicated team of health professionals, provided in a comfortable, family-friendly environment
  • Local access to the latest, clinically proven techniques, procedures, and technologies
  • Free services and assistance, including translators and interpreters, hearing-impaired assistance, wheelchairs, and spiritual care
  • Multidisciplinary teams who work together to deliver individualized health care programs to meet the unique needs of each patient and family
  • A patient- and family-centered philosophy of care that encourages families and caregivers to participate as equal members of our team

Whether you are coming to Colusa Medical Center for an outpatient appointment or for a longer stay, we strive to provide you with a wealth of information and an excellent experience. Your health, comfort, and satisfaction are of the utmost importance to use. Please communicate with us during your stay if there is anything that we can do to make your stay more comfortable.

Please speak up!

During your stay, you will be interacting with several staff members working to ensure your safe care. These practitioners include doctors, nurses, pharmacists, therapists, radiology and laboratory technicians, transporters, nutritionists and food service and environmental service staff—but your nurse will be the person you interact with most frequently. During your stay, a member of the clinical team will be in to check on you at least every hour, if not more often. Get the most out of your visit and be a partner in your care by speaking up! Do not be afraid to ask questions and voice your concerns at any time.

Registration and Admission

All patients are required to check-in with the Admissions Department in the medical center lobby.

When registering, please discuss any special needs with the Admissions Department. Special accommodations are available for patients with disabilities. For patients who are hearing impaired, in-room TDD equipment and closed-captioned televisions are available.

Patients should bring the following information when registering:

  • Your Social Security Number
  • Government-issued identification (driver’s license, etc.)
  • Insurance information including:
    • Your insurance card OR
    • Insurance company name, complete mailing address, policy group number and your personal ID number.
    • Name and Social Security number of insured, if not you.
  • Referral form if your insurance requires it.
  • Medicare or Medicaid card if you are covered by it.
  • Cash, check, or major credit card. You may need to pay copays, deductibles, or fees for services not covered by insurance.
  • If your visit is for a second opinion or on referral, you may need to bring referral forms, medical records, X-rays, results from lab tests, pathology slides or other materials. Before you visit, ask your doctor if they have already sent these to Colusa Medical Center.
  • Workers’ Compensation information. If your visit is related to a workers’ compensation claim, bring that information with you.
  • Advance directive. Please bring your Advance directive (living will and/or durable power of attorney for healthcare) if you have one.

It is the policy of Colusa Medical Center to provide services to all persons regardless of your age, gender, race, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disabilities. This non-discrimination policy applies to all facilities and programs of the medical center.


It is very important to keep an open line of communication between yourself and your care givers. Do not be afraid to ask questions and involve your family if necessary.


We recommend that you bring with you a current list of medications you are taking. The list should include all prescription drugs, over-the-counter medications, vitamins, and herbal remedies. Contact your primary care physician with any concerns you may have prior to your hospitalization. You should know your medication and why you are taking it. Always question your care giver when given a medication you are unsure of.

Patient ID

You will receive an armband upon admission. Please check to ensure it has your correct name and birthdate. Staff should always check your armband before any test, procedure, or administration of medication.

Personal Items

For your comfort, you may want to bring your own personal hygiene items to the medical center, including a toothbrush and toothpaste, shampoo, etc. The medical center will provide soap, towels, linens, and hospital gowns.

Colusa Medical Center is not responsible for your personal belongings. This includes liability for the damage or loss of money, jewelry, glasses, dentures, clothing, or other articles of value. Personal items and valuables should be sent home with family members or friends.

Please note that personal electrical appliances, such as hairdryers, electric razors, radios, and televisions are prohibited within the medical center. Battery-operated radios and music players are permitted. For the consideration of other patients, however, please use headphones when listening.

Advance Directives

An advance directive is a legal document that allows you to give specific instructions about your medical treatment if you become unable to communicate. The document can be tailored to meet your individual preferences and values and can include information about the types of treatment you want or do not want in certain situations.


Inform your care giver if you received vaccinations for influenza or pneumococcal (directed to the elderly population) prior to your hospitalization.
