Colusa Medical Center


Inpatient "Swing bed"


Colusa Medical Center is a rural General Acute Care Hospital that can accept certain short-term patients who require skilled nursing or rehabilitation services.

A “Swing Bed” is a service that CMS (MediCare) allows in small acute care hospitals to rehabilitate patients who would otherwise go to a “Nursing home.” Our swing bed care is provided in our general acute care unit, which enables us to provide more comprehensive care to our patients.

Swing bed services allow patients to receive skilled nursing care, and rehabilitation therapy after acute hospital care is no longer required. Still, the patient needs short term services that cannot be reasonably provided at home.

Typical swing bed rehabilitation is 4-6 weeks but can be up to 3 months, depending on individual needs. 


Benefits of utilizing Colusa Medical Center “Swing Bed” over a traditional skilled nursing facility include: 

To send a referral or for questions about transitional rehabilitation
CALL US: 800-358-8601

For further questions regarding our swing bed services at Colusa & Glenn Medical Centres, please call  (530) 619-0800